Recent Uploads


Recent Uploads, a set on Flickr.

I just added a series of new sculpted gemstones for sale on Avination. Each of the 16 different realistic cuts includes both full and top-only version in 4 different sizes. They are available separately or as a set of all 128 maps for a discount.

You can check them all out in my Flickr Gallery or at my store on Avination at

How does YOUR garden grow?

Have a knack for landscaping? Enjoy gardening? Want a shot at earning some free C$? Entries are now being accepted for the Virtual Garden Expo and contest hosted in Avination by Archetypus Mall (located here: secondlife://Archetypus%20Designs/160/128/23). Only 12 entries will be accepted so come sign up early.

Each entrant will be given a 12m x12m platform to build any garden or landscape theme they would like, realistic, fantasy, totally off the wall...its all great. The winner will be decided by visitors votes and will receive C$100 for every entry. If there are 6 entries, the winner gets C$600 - all 12 entries get filled up and the prize goes up to a whopping C$1200! More entrants means more prize money so get you spot early and then tell everyone you know to come enter.

Stop by Archetypus Mall and get an info card from the table near the landing zone for more information and all the details on entry requirements and rules.

See ya soon!

Linking to Avination from a webpage.

I was just posting the information about a contest I'm running in Avination and I came across an issue and, more importantly, a solution. I have no idea if anyone will find this useful or not, but I thought I'd share it anyway.

I was trying to post a SLURL that would take anyone who clicked on it to the location of my contest but realized that a SLURL will not work for Avination. I did, however, find something that will. secondlife://RegionName/X/Y/Z . That format will work to open it in your default viewer, and will open it if it is not. That should work for other grids as well, so long as you make sure you are either signed in (with your default browser)when you click, or when it opens the viewer, you sign in to the grid it is pointing to.

A few things to note:

First, this will open your default program used for Second Life files - i.e. your viewer. To check and set this in Firefox, click on Tools > Options to open the options window. Under the applications tab, scroll down until you see secondlife in the list of content types. Click on it and then select the viewer you want to use as the default. In Internet Explorer, this option is under Tools>Internet Options>Programs and I am honestly not sure for other browsers. Now anytime you click a link with the above format, it will open the viewer you have set as your default or teleport you if you are already logged in.

Secondly, if you have any special characters in the location name, such as a space or apostrophe, you might need to encode them. You can find the list of codes to use in an URL or SLURL here.

For example, if I want to send people to the landing point <160,128,23> in Archetypus Designs I would use the following link:


Notice how I replaced the space with %20 ? That was to hopefully avoid any possible compatibility issues.

I hope that helps at least someone out there with creating a link they can use in their posts, twitter feeds, websites, and emails to promote their locations.

Take care,
Archetypus Deed

Weekend Rental Special and a few updates.

This weekend only, anyone who rents a store at Archetypus Mall on Avination will get a free week for each week they pay for, up to 3 free weeks. This offer is only good for this weekend.

Archetypus Mall on Avination is a well designed and easy to navigate shopping center. Shops surround a garden courtyard on the ground floor and several games rooms are located upstairs. Soon, Club Frost will be opening with a cool, frozen theme for all to enjoy.

I'm also currently arranging a garden expo/contest. I'm still finalizing a few of the last details, but if anyone ins interested, please stop by and let me know.

Archetypus Mall is located HERE (this link only works if Avination is set on your default programs to open it)